Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Bad Mama

I just went ballistic at Axel. He was being a rat bag but it was a bit off kilter. The slightest thing is setting me off lately. And I'm sick and moody. Either this is the world's worst PMS or I'm a genuine crazy lady now.

I have my 9 month old niece here today and she has been testing my strength as well. Always with the crying and needing assistance and supervision. Why can't kids just be like adults!? She is asleep now and it was Axel's screeching and whooping that made me angry before. If he wakes her up prematurely I might just cry.

Last night I snuck out of the house to watch a show at Brisbane Powerhouse. It was so nice to get out, but I felt ripped off when one of the trio of Post was replaced by a dude because she's off having a baby. It's not excuse I tell you! She's meant to be a she. Not a he in a wig. The show was followed by a trip down memory lane; to the Pancake Manor on Charlotte St. The old church fills me with nostalgia of my younger, singler days. I don't miss it as such, but it was nice to go and sit and chat to old friends until the wee hours. The pancakes have changed (how disappointment) but the company hasn't.

Now for a giant cup of coffee.

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